Part 3: Which Device Will Work for Me?

Part 3 of a 3 part series written by Dr. Meadows. Originally featured in the 2020 Spring Newsletter.

Starting in 2017, The World Health Organization had dedicated resources to curtail the use of CPAP machines for 70-81% of users worldwide. As many of you CPAP users have come to realize, this is due to numerous practical and infectious reasons. Nevertheless, there are many categories ofCPAP users. Some are 100% dependent on their CPAP already, and have learned how to effectively travel with their large apparatus’, and there are those whose spouses have not kicked them out of their usual sleeping arrangements... These folks are the blessed few...However, there are a higher percentage of Sleep Apnics (or people with sleep Apnea) who have made troublesome health decisions based on the lack of practicality regarding the concerns noted above.These are folks that have been diagnosed, via sleep studies, as mild to moderates and have been told to use a CPAP, but have not heeded the advice of their medical caregiver and are in one or more of the following categories:

1) Those who DON'T use it at all, against their primary care physician’s advice, this is dangerous and for these folks, we have a practical solution for you, as long as your PCP approves.

2) Those who USE IT only while at home and not on travel (I have a
suggestion for these folks also).

3) Those who have ALREADY started using DENTAL oral devices instead
of, or travel replacement for, their CPAP machines. These folks have
followed our advice, along with their PCP’s recommendations.

4) This last category is the group our office has helped. I would like to introduce you to; the New Happy Category of Oral Sleep Device users

that have replaced their CPAP’s full or part time. With this third and “final”
article in this Sleep Apnea series, I thought I would let you hear directly
from those our dental office has helped with this transition. Here are direct
quotes from our patients who have had success with their DENTAL sleep

Jason. male, age 44; “I have finally found great sleep, from the first night on!” (K.E. female, age 49 also said this)

J.F. female, age 72; “I no longer have that stigma, while on travel, when the porter calls out loud, “who’s large device is this? and which room do I
transport this to?”

K.E. female, age 49; “When I wake up, I’m so glad to not have all those
tubes around me”

Anonymous, age 74; “You might have just saved our marriage, my wife has allowed me back into our bedroom”

In 30 years as a dentist, the most rewarding things to hear are these life changing conversations. Sure, these DENTAL sleep devices help with sleep, and all these other personal concerns, but they can also have additional dental benefits such as preventing: dental fractures/broken teeth, weight gain, atrial fibrillation, acid reflux, high blood pressure and numerous other life changing categories. What more could I ask for in this life, or in this dental career, than to help folks work through many of these difficult things? There is only one thing I can think of...and those of you who know me, know what that is...If you are interested in understanding Sleep Apnea and how it can affect your health, or you have not read the two previous.

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